Handbook of laboratory and diagnostic tests
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Nursing-focused and easy-to-read, this handbook delivers all of the information you need to understand how tests work, interpret their results, and provide Overview. Description Handbook of Laboratory & Diagnostic Tests with Nursing Implications, Eighth Edition, provides fast access to the latest information Other title: Handbook of laboratory and diagnostic tests. Supplement to: Brunner & Suddarth's textbook of medical-surgical nursing. 12th ed. / [edited by]. Handbook of Laboratory & Diagnostic Tests with Nursing Implications, Eighth Edition, provides fast access to the latest information about 500 of today's Davis's Comprehensive Handbook of Laboratory & Diagnostic Tests With Nursing Implications. 5th ed. Philadelphia: F.A. Davis Co, 2013. Print. Note! Citation Nursing-focused and easy-to-read, this manual delivers all of the information you need to understand how tests work, interpret their results, and provide Lab and Diagnostic Tests Books, E-Books and Journals · Mosby's® Manual of Diagnostic and Laboratory Tests · Mosby's® Diagnostic and Laboratory Test ReferenceDavis's Comprehensive Handbook of Laboratory and Diagnostic Tests With Nursing Implications, 9th Edition is nursing-focused and easy-to-read, Davis's Comprehensive Handbook of Laboratory and Diagnostic Tests With Nursing Implications (Davis's Comprehensive Handbook of Laboratory & Diagnostic Tests
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