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Donor Selection Guidelines: Whole Blood and Components Guidelines for the Blood Transfusion Services in the UK · Handbook of Transfusion Medicine. GPP Preoperative patient blood management during the SARS?CoV?2 pandemic. Published: 07/05/2021. Further details. Guideline. Transfusion Red cell transfusion and red cell immunohaematology · Platelet and white cell transfusion, Histocompatibility and Immunogenetics · Samples · Potential blood donors.EU legislation relevant to blood transfusion and tissue transplantation . website and through the management of each of A blood transfusion may be needed if you have a shortage of red blood cells. This may be because your body's not making enough red blood cells or because you The 'Red Book' (as the printed version of these guidelines are known) aims to define guidelines for all materials produced by the United Kingdom Blood
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